Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week of February 27, 2017

Happy Sunday Everyone!
  I hope you had a fabulous weekend!  I was able to "sharpen the saw" with my family in Charleston.  We had a blast!  I am looking forward to our week.  The students are super excited to share their "Motown Review" with you this Tuesday. An invitation was sent home last Monday in your child's folder.  I hope you can join us as we present, My Girl by the Temptations and My Guy by Mary Wells.  It is sure to be a wonderful celebration for Black History Month!


2/27- Military Monday
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**Please wear Red, White and Blue in honor of our military families.

2/28- "Motown Review"
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**Will begin at 1:30 in the school cafeteria

3/2 - 9 Book Fair
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Don't miss your chance to order this year's yearbook! The price is only $22.00 if you order by April 15 and $25.00 after that deadline. Packets have gone home with each child to order these yearbooks. They are also available online at with the school code 100431. Checks are to be made payable to Pontiac Elementary School.

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Friday, February 17, 2017

Week of February 20, 2017

Hello Families!  We have had a great week in second grade.  We are busy celebrating Black History Month and have read about many inventors and heroes that have impacted our society.  This week we will continue our study.  Second grade is very excited about the opportunity to showcase our learning through our Motown Review that will be held on February 28th at 1:30 in the cafeteria.  Our class has chosen two very fun songs and music groups to research and perform.  We will spend some project time this week researching and putting together our presentation!  It is sure to be a lot of fun!

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This week is Family Literacy Night!
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2/23 Literacy Night 6pm
We look forward to seeing the families that signed up for this great event!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Important Valentine's Message

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Valentines Day is a special day for our students to celebrate their classmates. At Pontiac Elementary, we do request that if your child is bringing Valentines cards, that they do provide a card for every classmate. Your child’s teacher can provide a class list for your child.
If you choose to include an item with your child's Valentines, please note that only non-food items are permissible.  Candy, snacks, or any sort of food item will be sent back home with your child on Valentine's day if sent to school.  Non-food items are permitted, and there are many pre-packaged Valentines that can be purchased that include a trinket (i.e., pencil, erasers, book mark, etc.). 
Many of our students have medically based dietary restrictions and this does not include students on specific diets of family choice such as vegetarian, low sugar, religious, and so on.  Monitoring the individual needs and requests is not feasible, thus not safe. In addition, it is frequently reported that several children eat Valentine's treats on the bus, as evidenced by an abundance of wrappers found.  This poses a choking risk, as well as exposure for students with specific health restrictions.  Additionally, it is important for us to adhere to the federal Smart Snack Guideline that encourages healthy snacks.
Thank you for your assistance in helping us maintain the health, safety, and personal family preferences of our students.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week of February 6, 2017

Hello Families!  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  We are going to continue our unit on weather this week.  The students will read about different types of storms, and learn the causes and effects of each storm.  We will begin a unit on counting money in math.  Please check the curriculum pages on the blog for more information.

Our school is learning the 7 habits of highly effective people.  We are working on learning to be a leader.  Ask you child about ways they can display these habits.

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Here's a look at our week ahead!
2/6 Deadline to Purchase Circus Dance Tickets
2/10 PTO Daddy - Daughter Dance
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