Marvelous Math

Week of March 13, 2017
This week we will work on our measurement skills. We will use inches, feet, and centimeters to measure items in length and width.

Week of February 27, 2017
This week we will spend time reviewing what we have learned over the past couple of weeks.  This will include, money, time and adding 3 digit numbers.  We will also review place value through 1,000.

Week of February 20, 2017
We have officially finished our unit on money. The students worked hard to learn how to count a collection of coins and adding in dollar bills. This week we will begin a unit on time. First we will review the hands on the clock, telling time to the hour and to the half hour.  Our goal is for all students to be able to tell time to the 5 minutes by the end of the unit.

Week of February 6, 2017
We finished up our unit on Fractions last week. This week we will explore money. We will review coins, and coin values, learn how to count a collection of coins, and add in a dollar when counting amounts.  I teach the students how to use "Hairy Money" to count on when adding coin values together.

Image result for hairy money anchor chart

Week of January 30, 2017
This week we will explore fractions.  The students will learn how to divide a shape into equal and unequal parts. Our focus will be on halves, thirds and fourths.

Week of January 23, 2017
We finished up our unit on place value last week.  This week we will begin a mini unit on geometry. We explore 3D shapes, and identify faces, edges and vertices of each shape.  We will also learn how to cut shapes apart into new shapes and learn to identify polygons and quadrilaterals.

Week of January 16, 2017
We will continue our unit on place value to 1000. This week we will review standard form, expanded form, and written form of a 3 digit number.  The students will compare two 3 digit numbers using less than, greater than and equal to.  They will also look for patterns in a number sequence and extend the sequence.  We will take our test on this unit Friday, January 20th.

Week of January 9, 2017
We have started working on place value through 1,000.  This week we will continue to learn how to write a three digit number in word form, standard form and expanded form.  The students will also learn how to find 10 more, 10 less, 100 more and 100 less of a given 3 digit number.  

Week of December 5, 2016
We have been working hard on subtracting 2 digit number with regrouping.  Some students have mastered the skill of regrouping, however still are struggling with basic subtraction facts.  Please continue to work on addition and subtraction facts to 20 at home. The students need to be fluent in those facts in order to be successful in second grade math.  

Week of November 28, 2016
We have finished up our unit on 2 digit addition with regrouping.  Most of the students have mastered the skill, but we will continue to practice it over the next couple of weeks during our math station time.  We will begin learning how to subtract 2 two digit numbers with and without regrouping this week.  The students will learn how to break a ten into 10 ones to be able to subtract in the ones place.  We will work on this skill first by making models, then drawing models. 

Week of November 14 ,2016
The students worked very hard on learning how to add two 2 digit numbers and regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten this week.  We will continue to practice this skill this week.  For those who have already mastered this skill, we will move on to 3 digit numbers and regrouping when needed.  The student will continue to use models or drawings to show their work.

Week of November 7,2016
The students worked very hard on learning how to add two 2 digit numbers and regrouping 10 ones for 1 ten this week.  We will continue to practice this skill this week.  For those who have already mastered this skill, we will move on to 3 digit numbers and regrouping when needed.  The student will continue to use models or drawings to show their work.

Week of October 31,2016
We will begin a new unit this week on adding 2 two digit numbers and regroup 10 ones into a ten.  We will work on this skill over the next two weeks. Those that master the skill will be working on 2 three digit numbers. The children will use base ten blocks as models and drawings to show their work.

Week of October 17, 2016
We will continue to work on Topic 5 this week. Our main focus will be odd and even numbers, number words and problem solving using data from a chart.  The students will continue to use math games during our station time to work on their basic fact fluency.  We will also review place value (tens and ones) and answering number stories.

Week of October 3, 2016
We have finished up our units on addition and subtraction review.  We will continue to work on basic fact fluency throughout the rest of the nine weeks during our math stations time.  This week we will begin a new unit on place value.  The students will work with models of ones and tens, counting and writing numbers to 100, and review odd and even numbers.  We will also work on identifying numbers that are 10 more or 10 less of a given number.

Week of September 26, 2016
We will continue to work on our subtraction strategies this week.  We will learn to use the making ten strategy to help us subtract from up to 10.  The students will also learn how to answer 2 step story problems.  We will also continue to play many math games to build our basic facts fluency.  The students will take our Topic 3 test this Thursday.

Week of September 19, 2016
We finished up our unit on addition strategies last week. This week we will review subtraction strategies.  We will subtract 0,1, and 2 and learn how to use addition to help us subtract to 20.  The students will play several math games to help them become more fluent in their basic math facts.  This will help them when we move into 2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction.

Week of September 12, 2016
We will finish up our unit on addition strategies this week. The students will take test on Wednesday. Then we will move into subtraction strategies.  The students will review different strategies to use when subtracting 2 numbers.  We will also relate addition to subtraction.  

Week of September 5, 2016
This week in math we will continue to work on addition strategies by reviewing adding 1 and 0, doubles, near doubles and making a ten to add.  We will also learn how to add 3 numbers together.

Week of August 29, 2016

This week in math we will review adding and subtracting strategies, as well as work on answering addition and subtraction number stories.  The children will play many math games to work on addition fluency.  

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